Introducing Swwipe Pinpad: Changing the Way Businesses Receive Payments

Business owners often find themselves struggling with challenges when it comes to payment collection. Traditional POS terminals can be expensive, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. Moreover, acquiring a POS terminal might involve a lengthy and complex process, adding more hurdles to business operations. So, what if we told you there's a simpler, more affordable solution? Swwipe's Pinpad feature is the answer to the problems faced by most business owners.

So, What Is a Pinpad?

In simple terms, a Pinpad is a mini-POS used in payment processing to securely input personal identification numbers (PIN), particularly when making debit or credit card transactions. It allows your customers to make secure card payments by simply entering their PIN. It connects to your smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth, allowing you to receive payments seamlessly. It's fast, cost-effective, and remarkably user-friendly.

iPhone users that do not have access to NFC (Near Field Communication) can simply use the Pinpad to receive payments from their customers.

Acquiring a traditional Point of Sale (POS) terminal often comes with financial requirements that can be a burden for many businesses. These demands can be particularly burdensome for small businesses and startups, as they may require a substantial amount of money inflow to even be considered eligible. As a result, many businesses find themselves restricted, unable to access the efficiency and convenience of a traditional POS system.

Unlike the traditional POS, the Pinpad eliminates the need to meet these stringent conditions and prerequisites. It offers businesses the flexibility to make a one-time payment to acquire the device without any further financial constraints. This simplified process opens up a world of opportunities for businesses of all sizes

How to Use Swwipe's Pinpad

Using Swwipe's Pinpad is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  • Log in to your Swwipe account.
  • Enter the transaction amount and select the Pinpad option. Choose the account type associated with your card.
  • Turn on Bluetooth on your mobile device and the Pinpad.
  • Connect to the Pinpad by selecting the Pinpad Number from the list (you will find this number behind your Pinpad).
  • Your customer enters their PIN on the Pinpad.
  • Your wallet gets credited after a successful transaction.

The Pinpad is incredibly pocket-friendly. Priced at just Fifteen thousand Naira (N15,000), it offers a cost-efficient alternative to the traditional POS terminal. Swwipe goes a step further to accommodate businesses by providing the option to make payments in convenient installments over a span of 2-3 months. This approach ensures that businesses have the flexibility to manage their finances while still gaining access to the advanced payment collection features that the mini-POS offers.

The Pinpad is redefining payment collection for business owners, offering a cost-effective, efficient, and customer-friendly solution. Don't let the challenges of traditional POS terminals hold your business back.

Ready to join the payment revolution? Contact us to get your Pinpad today.

If you've got any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to support you every step of the way.

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The future of mobile-first payments

Multiple payment opportunities, one device — your smartphone.

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